UPDATE: April 30, 2024

Your Voice is Needed: Don’t Re-open the Rat Run

On May 8, Vancouver City Council will vote on a motion to restore two-way vehicle traffic to the section of Beach Avenue between the entrance to Stanley Park and Denman Street.

The justification provided is that doing so will facilitate additional public transit access to the park. However, Translink has no plan to introduce such a route.

The move will reopen a rat run for North Shore morning commuters, who will bypass causeway congestion by exiting at Prospect Point, then rally-race along two-lane Park Drive before exiting onto Beach Avenue to access Burrard Bridge and/or downtown.

One lane of Beach Ave is currently allocated to bikes and scooters, separated from one-way traffic via a low concrete curb, as shown. If the motion is approved, the City would move cyclists onto the adjacent paved pathway — it is currently allocated to pedestrians — and return the road surface to vehicles.

While there would not be a net loss of bike infrastructure, the move will welcome traffic, including tour buses, back to what has been a quiet, relatively safe section of the city’s waterfront since the early days of the pandemic — and all the safety risk, noise, and pollution that comes with it.

If you don’t want the City bringing vehicles back to this section of the West End waterfront, please say so in a brief email to the Mayor and Council.

You may wish to note in your email that on April 10 council unanimously passed Councillor Fry’s motion “Revisiting and Refreshing Vancouver’s Commitment to Safer Slower Streets.” That Vision-Zero style motion explicitly recognized the safety value of “physical interventions like barriers” and “traffic interventions… such as one way [streets] for motor vehicles.” This almost exactly describes the current Beach Avenue configuration.

The specific text of the Beach Avenue motion is not yet available, but will be similar to that passed by the Vancouver Park Board last week. (We will provide a link to it here when it is up.) There is no need to wait, you can send emails now. You can keep your email very short – just say you oppose the restoration of two-way vehicle traffic on Beach Avenue, and why.

Here are the emails of the Mayor & Councillors:

  • Ken.Sim@vancouver.ca
  • CLRbligh@vancouver.ca
  • CLRboyle@vancouver.ca
  • CLRcarr@vancouver.ca
  • CLRdominato@vancouver.ca
  • CLRfry@vancouver.ca
  • CLRkirby-yung@vancouver.ca
  • CLRklassen@vancouver.ca
  • CLRmeiszner@vancouver.ca
  • CLRmontague@vancouver.ca
  • CLRzhou@vancouver.ca

Thank you.

UPDATE: April 21, 2024

Imagine West End Waterfront Vision Imagines More Traffic on Beach Avenue

At their April 22, 2024 meeting, Park Board commissioners will vote on a recommendation from staff to restore two-way motor vehicle traffic on Beach Avenue, west of Denman.

Since the early days of the pandemic, that section of waterfront street has been one-way for vehicles headed west towards Stanley Park, with the balance of the road surface dedicated to active transportation. In the summer, each day, tens of thousands of cyclists take advantage of the generous dedicated active transportation street space.

Beach Avenue, current configuration

On April 22, Park Board commissioners will vote to endorse a draft Imagine West End Waterfront Vision. The vision seeks to update the waterfront for coming generations; it is bold and includes many exciting elements.

The Imagine West End Waterfront Vision does allocate dedicated space for active transportation. The proposed configuration moves bikes off to the side, to space that is currently allocated to pedestrians. However, it also proposes restoring two way traffic to Beach Avenue, as shown. 

Beach Avenue, proposed configuration.

West End residents have enjoyed several years of reduced motor vehicle traffic volumes and the traffic noise, exhaust fumes, and risk of injury that comes along with it. As drafted, the Imagine West End Waterfront Vision would double the road space presently allocated to motorists. Instead, this space could have been dedicated to extra walking and park space for people and nature.

While there is no funding in place to implement the broader vision, if the City of Vancouver council endorses this plan (with a nod from the Park Board, it will head to council in May) the city will immediately open Beach Avenue to two-way traffic. The remainder of the vision may never see funding, and might never be implemented at all.

To be clear, we do not object to the space allocated to active transport in this plan. We do object to this plan inducing vehicle traffic on Beach Avenue, resulting in:

  • Increased danger to pedestrians who live in the thousands of homes located west of Denman Street who must cross Beach Avenue to access the West End waterfront park.
  • Increased health impacts to residents on and near Beach Avenue, from exhaust fumes, especially from slow-moving summer traffic.
  • Increased noise from vehicles.

Decades of traffic planning have confirmed that—in accordance with the principle of induced demand—measures to allocate more road space to vehicles do not relieve congestion, but instead attracts more cars and trucks. Instead of facilitating extra additional traffic volume, we should be embedding the proven success of one-way traffic on Beach Avenue west of Denman Street.

That action is one of two problematic components embedded in the draft Imagine West End Waterfront Vision that the commissioners will vote on. 

Limited Active Travel Access to the West End Waterfront Park

The draft plan also restricts active travel access to the West End Waterfront Park. The sea wall bike path should run parallel to Beach Avenue Bikeway from SeaBreeze Walk all the way to Cardero Street. It is unnecessary to restore it all the way to Stanley Park because the final section of the old sea wall bike path runs next to Beach Ave Bikeway and this is the busiest area for pedestrians.

The Park Board should not be reducing cyclist access to parks. We would like to see cycling access through the West End Waterfront Park, not just to it. The safest and most successful system of bike paths to reduce congestion and speed differential-related tension is to have extensive seaside park access available to cyclists who want access to the beachside parks with a convenient, safe, direct system of seaside park bypass routes for faster cyclists & scooter riders.

If you would like to share your comments on the Imagine West End Waterfront Vision, email Park Board Commissioners. Email the Park Board Commissioners before 3pm on Monday April 22 via  PBCommissioners@Vancouver.ca or sign up to speak before noon on Monday 22 April 2024.

Stanley Park Mobility Study Report

Also at the 22 April 2024 Park Board Meeting, staff will be submitting an update report to commissioners on the Stanley Park Mobility Study. Members of Love the Lane attended the recent Stakeholder Consultation workshop and will be interested to see whether the feedback from cycling advocates has been incorporated into the Study direction.

Stanley Park Drive Separated Bike Lane Update

We’re looking forward to the three former ABC Park Board Commissioners—they are now serving as independents—and Vancouver Green Party Commissioner Tom Digby taking imminent action to restore the separated bike lane on Stanley Park Drive in time for summer cycling, preferably using the existing plans and stockpiled materials, with orange cones replaced by white reflective flex posts to reduce the cost of daily relocation and maintenance of cone positions.

MEDIA RELEASE: November 28, 2023

Gone, But Not Forgotten

Park Board staff tell ABC majority commissioners what they already knew: There will be no separated bike lane on Park Drive in 2024.

COAST SALISH TERRITORIES / VANCOUVER — The protected bike lane is gone, it’s not coming back in 2024, or anytime soon, really.

That’s what staff told the majority ABC Commission at last night’s Vancouver Park Board meeting. Citing lack of funding, other priorities, and likely impacts on other projects, staff confirmed that they could not reinstate the separated bike lane on Stanley Park Drive in time for the Summer 2024 season.

This past February, following a staff presentation of options, ABC Park Board commissioners directed staff to remove the protected bike lane from Stanley Park Drive. The commissioners also asked staff to report back “with a dedicated bike lane proposal for 2024 that incorporates 2023 summer usage data, stakeholder input and park user experience.”

Last night, staff said a bike lane proposal could potentially be considered after the completion of the Stanley Park Mobility Study, likely to come to the Park Board for decision in April 2024.

“It’s disappointing but hardly a surprise,” said Love the Lane spokesperson Lucy Maloney. “The Commissioners knew back in February, when they voted to sweep away cyclist protections that there was zero prospect for a replacement by Summer 2024.”

In February, staff confirmed that it would take at least two years from a Park Board decision for a bike lane to be returned to Stanley Park Drive, and between $2-4 million, which would need to go through the capital planning and capital budgeting process. This cost could soar as high as $50 million if the road were to be expanded to fit an additional vehicle lane.

“Had the ABC Park Board left the temporary lane in place until it had a plan and funding to improve it in stages, we would have continued to have year round-safe cycling instead of a return to the outdated, de facto racetrack that we have once again,” said Maloney.

At last night’s meeting, staff shared data confirming that Stanley Park Drive is significantly more dangerous for cyclists than it was while the separated lane was in place.

During the period when the separated bike lane was in place, 11 percent of motorists drove at speeds at or above 50 km/hour, staff reported. Following the lane’s removal, speeding has grown significantly; now fully half of all motorists drive at or above 50 km/hour. The legal limit on Stanley Park Drive is 30 km/hour.

Update: November 27, 2023

Update: Stanley Park Mobility Study and Stanley Park Bike Lane Staff Report

At this evening’s Vancouver Park Board Meeting, staff will report back to Commissioners on the “Stanley Park Bike Lane & Mobility Study.”

This past February, following a staff presentation of options, ABC Park Board commissioners directed staff to remove the protected bike lane from Stanley Park Drive (see our May 19 update, below). They also asked staff to report back by the end of this month “with a dedicated bike lane proposal for 2024 that incorporates 2023 summer usage data, stakeholder input and park user experience…”

We attended the Stanley Park Mobility Study public consultation events that Park Board staff have been hosting in recent months, and we’re looking forward to seeing whether we’re getting the protected bike lane back on Stanley Park Drive in time for summer 2024 and, if so, what it will look like.

The Mobility Study is an ambitious project that has been underway for several years; it predates the current elected Park Board. The previous Park Board received this update on its initial findings and directions in July 2022.

There’s no opportunity for the public to speak at this evening’s meeting, but we will be listening closely. You can email the Park Board staff and commissioners at PBCommissioners@vancouver.ca

Next Steps for Love the Lane

A small and passionate group of cyclists and active transportation advocates established Love the Lane to advocate for better and safer infrastructure for cyclists, e-bike and electric scooter users, and others who choose to get around without a vehicle. Our group came together in the wake of the October 2022 municipal election, when the ABC dominated Vancouver Park Board reneged on election promises to keep the protected bike lane on Stanley Park Drive, and instead removed it and gave the road space back to motorists.

Since May 2023, when the Park Board removed the separated bike lane, we have worked to keep in place and expand active transportation infrastructure across the City of Vancouver and beyond.

Currently we are working on:

  • Ensuring that the forthcoming Stanley Park Mobility Study encourages non-motor vehicle modes.
  • Protecting cyclists’ interests during the Stanley Park Pipeline Renewal Project, which is projected to  run for five years, starting late 2024.
  • Protecting the Beach Avenue Bikeway
  • Ensuring that the West End Waterfront Redevelopment Project includes protected, dedicated active transportation infrastructure.
  • Ensuring bi-directional active transportation access from the Ironworkers Memorial Bridge along the Portside Greenway, (including a direct route on Powell Street), through Water Street, past Waterfront Station on Cordova St all the way to Hornby St protected active transport lane.
  • Safe routes to school and university for students and families who choose cycling, scooting, and other non-motorized means to get to school.

We love protected active transport lanes at Love the Lane. Let’s get more of them, to promote active transport across Metro Vancouver!

Our previous coverage of Stanley Park Drive Separated Bike Line Removal Follows:

Park Board Contractors Begin Dismantling Cyclist Protections in Stanley Park

On the evening of Friday, May 19 and into Saturday Morning, contractors began removing concrete barriers that provided separated protection for cyclists and other vulnerable road users on Stanley Park Drive.

Crews removed the concrete jersey barriers and replaced them with orange cones until the surface can be repaved and repainted as a vehicle lane. The work is being done at night to minimize its impact on park visitors.


Where is the Stanley Park Mobility Study?

A February 8, 2023 Park Board report to Commissioners indicated that staff would be reporting back to the Board with an update on the Stanley Park Mobility Study “with more information on the scope and progress of this study” on 6 March, 2023 but that date has come and gone with no news.

The Mobility Study is intended to look at different approaches for encouraging alternate modes of transportation in Stanley Park and determine the potential benefits and impacts on the environment, economy, park experience, and other considerations, in which a bike lane on Park Drive, is only one option.

Here is an email Love The Lane’s Lucy Maloney sent to Park Board Commissioners on 2 March 2023:

Dear Commissioners,

The Stanley Park Mobility Study is not just a matter of bike lane versus cars. This study will have important data and recommendations relating to pedestrian access and broader access issues, particularly for disabled people, that should be prioritized and implemented.

The decades-old design of the paved areas of Stanley Park needs updating for the needs of people moving around the park on foot, and using walkers, wheelchairs and mobility scooters, including those who arrived by car.

Many areas of Stanley Park lack footpaths, and where they do exist they are too narrow and lack curb cuts. You can clearly see “desire lines” worn in by people trying to navigate the Park on foot, especially between parking lots and attractions, for example between the car parking fee station on Stanley Park Drive and the Second Beach Pool & concession.

Every time I cycle in Stanley Park (which I do several times a week) I see people walking in the Stanley Park Drive and sea wall bike paths, especially where the bike paths do not have a foot path adjacent to them.

The foot path next to the parking lot near Lumberman’s arch is extremely narrow and only has one curb cut along the whole stretch. An asphalt ramp has been retrofitted at the top of the ramp up from the Splash Pad in a clear illustration of how thoroughly lacking the original paving and curb design was in accommodations for seniors and disabled people.

Discussion of accessibility in Stanley Park has been primarily focussed on car access, parking lots and access to the Ceperley Meadows/Second Beach toilets.

A non-exhaustive list of additional issues that deserve attention are:

  • Lack of paved wheel/foot paths to access significant destinations and associated safe road crossings and curb cuts in all areas;
  • The three inaccessible sea wall gates;
  • Inaccessible Prospect Point washrooms;
  • The horse-drawn carriage is not wheelchair accessible;
  • There is no transit around Stanley Park Drive.
  • The absence of lift-equipped washrooms;
  • The absence of wheelchair-accessible ramps down to Third Beach and up onto the Brockton Point Picnic area;
  • Absence of beach mats for wheelchair users;
  • Beaver Lake trail issues for wheelchair users.

I hope that no matter what your views are regarding cyclists and bike lanes that you show leadership in addressing the needs of the many people, especially disabled people, for whom the pre-Covid configuration of Stanley Park was never accessible.

Vancouver Park Board Votes to Sweep Away Cyclist Protections on Stanley Park Drive

As major cities around the world invest to expand safe cycling routes, the Park Board will now spend $330,000 of your money to rip one out.

MEDIA RELEASE – February 13, 2023 – The ABC-majority Vancouver Park Board has voted to remove all but a few isolated remnants of the separated bike lane from Stanley Park Drive before the end of May 2023—returning what has become a very popular cycling route to motorists.

“ABC Park Board commissioners have dismissed the interests and concerns of all residents who don’t drive, or can’t drive, and who prefer to access our city’s most beloved park via bicycle or hand cycle,” said Love the Lane’s Lucy Maloney. “By choosing Option C this evening, the commissioners just moved to return us to a 1960s model of vehicle dependence,” Maloney added.

Instead of leaving a version of the current lane in place—as allowed for in Option B—while working on improvements, the Board pulled the plug, leaving residents and visitors who want to walk and cycle in Stanley Park to fight for space on the narrow, crowded sea wall.

A last minute amendment also returned parking spaces to Lumberman’s Arch area. The adopted motion also included a direction that staff should report back to Commissioners no later than November 2023 with a dedicated bike plan proposal for Summer 2024.

During the October 2022 election, ABC candidates promised to replace the current temporary separated and mostly protected bike lane with a new and improved design by this coming summer. Park board staff have since priced out the party’s vision of a Park Drive with two vehicle travel lanes, plus a separated bike lane, at between $20 and $50 million. Such a configuration would take a decade to design and build, with extensive needed consultations, archeological surveys, and tree removals.

“Tonight’s decision will not reduce vehicle congestion in Stanley Park on busy weekends,” said Maloney. “Instead, it could actually increase traffic—because less-confident cyclists will not want to share road space with motorists and, facing a jammed seawall, many of them will end up defaulting to a car.”

Park Board staff reported on emails received from the public in the lead-up to this evening’s meeting. Of the 594 emails received between February 7 and noon today, 411 stated support for Option B, which would have preserved an interim separated lane all the way around Park Drive. Meanwhile, 20 emails expressed support for Option C, the option that commissioners chose this evening. A further 88 emails expressed general support for the outright removal of the bike lane.

Latest Media Coverage 

Our Previous Media Advisories, Releases, and Statements

Media Coverage of “Love The Lane” Celebration Ride

On November 6, about 100 riders turned up in the cold and rain for a group ride to show their support for the Stanley Park Drive separated bike lane. Here’s a roundup of the media coverage of the ride:

And plenty of support on social media, too!

Huge thanks to all who showed up for this event, and for those who were cheering us on from afar!


Why should the new Park Board Commissioners leave the protected bike lane in place?

Great question! Here are six reasons:

  1. Vehicle visitation drops during the winter so congestion is a non-issue.
  2. The Parks Board Preliminary Mobility Context report offers no indication that the bike lane is causing access concerns to parking lots. In fact, it shows parking capacity was never exceeded in 2019 and that parking constrains are more tied to peak periods of the year in select locations.
  3. 70% of respondents to the Stanley Park Mobility Study expressed support for actions that would reduce vehicles in the park.
  4. The Park Drive bike lane offers an alternative route when the seawall is closed. The Stanley Park seawall path is closed for three weeks of routine cliff stabilization maintenance every year, and over the most recent two winters, the Park Board has closed the seawall for weeks/months at a time due to severe storm damage and fallen trees. It is currently closed, as of December 5, 2022, for two weeks.
  5. The businesses are closed. Prospect Point was boarded up before the end of September.
  6. Two car lanes will mean higher vehicle speeds, and increased risk to vulnerable road users.
  7. A lot of cyclists DO ride through winter and need the separation even more when it’s dark earlier and the roads are wet.
  8. A redesign of the separated lane will be difficult to finalize and implement before next summer.

How has the separated bike lane impacted access for elders and others with mobility challenges?

There are significant accessibility issues in Stanley Park, but two dedicated vehicle lanes instead of one is not going to solve them. The Stanley Park Mobility Study is the right forum to address the diverse needs of disabled people.

What about businesses operating in the park?

Since March 2021, when the Vancouver Park Board first installed it, some have alleged that the current cycling lane severed vehicle access to park businesses and attractions. These claims were false. The current configuration, a modification of a previous design, afforded motorists access to parking lots at all park attractions, including restaurants, and a greater number of accessible parking spaces than existed before the start of the pandemic.

Why isn’t the Stanley Park Seawall enough for cyclists?

Apart from the fact that it is frequently closed over winter, the Stanley Park Seawall:

  1. Is very narrow between the Splash Park at Lumberman’s Arch and Second Beach, and gets really crowded at peak times.
  2. Has three gates that are inaccessible to adaptive cycles such as hand-cycles or many non-standard or oversized bikes, such as long-tail cargo bikes, and those with bike trailers. One of the several "gates" that are difficult for non-standard bicycles.
  3. Has dangerous vertical separation on long stretches, where there is a 15-20 cm drop from the bike path down to the walking path, a crash hazard.
  4. Has low overhanging trees and rocks in several places.
    Trees overhanging the bike path on the Stanley Park Seawall
  5. Is stressful for slower cyclists getting passed and frustrating for faster cyclists trying to pass them.
  6. Is flat and unsuitable for those who want get a workout.
  7. Is difficult to leave with a bike, to access the forest trails and destinations inside the park.
  8. Is a one-way trail, 10 kms in circumference, with no simple return path trail.
  9. It is easy to catch handlebars on the rails at Slhxí7lsh rock.
  10. Isn’t in the forest, where some people just prefer to ride.

Was this an ABC election promise to voters?

During the election campaign, HUB Cycling invited all election candidates to complete surveys to share their intentions on cycling infrastructure with prospective voters. Cyclists and those who support safe active transportation infrastructure used the responses to inform their choices on election day.

You can review the ABC candidate responses here. Eight ABC candidates responded, including Mayor Ken Sim, two councillors and five Park Board Commissioners.

In the survey’s long-form narrative responses, only one, Park Board Commissioner Brennan Bastyovanszky, briefly and ambiguously mentioned the removal of the Stanley Park Drive separated bike lane over winter, stating that:

The ABC plan for Stanley park is to restore the previous access at the end of this fall and then work to build a new, dedicated cycling path in time for next summer. All users will have proper access, with vastly improved cycling infrastructure alongside in the park on top of it all.

Part of the HUB Cycling election survey directly asked the ABC candidates for Parks Board if they support the Protected bike lane on Stanley Park Drive.

Here are the results, with our annotation/highlights for clarity in red:

Chart showing five of six ABC Park Board candidates expressed support for the protected bike lane on Stanley Park Drive in a pre-election survey by HUB Cycling.

To be clear, five of the six ABC Park Board candidates stated their support for the protected bike lane on Stanley Park Drive; the sixth one did not reply.

In their narrative-style long-form responses, only Scott Jensen and Laura Christensen even mentioned Stanley Park, and neither stated that the bike lane would be removed over winter.

They only said that the lane would be improved or adjusted. Even Bastyovanszky said “restore the previous access” rather than “remove the lane.”

Contact: info@lovethelane.ca

A pair of cyclists riding in the separated and protected bike lane on Stanley Park Drive. One of the two is on a cargo bike with a child in the back seat.

Can I join your mailing list?

We are a tiny group organizing off the side of our desks, and we don’t actually have the capacity to manage a mailing list. To learn about future cycling events and advocacy opportunities, follow the #LoveTheLane hashtag on social media, and consider signing up for the HUB Cycling mailing list. Love the Lane is NOT affiliated with HUB Cycling, but we have shared goals. If you support infrastructure to protect cyclists and other vulnerable road users, HUB Cycling is a good group to stay connected with!